September 2024 update
1st September 2024

posted 1st September 2024
Welcome to your September update. Read about the latest updates and improvements we've made to our products and services this month.
New this month
Website healthchecks - We've launched Website healthchecks this month. The healthcheck is performed by your designer on the anniversary of when your website went live. In the healthcheck your designer will highlight any issues and recommend how your site could be improved. You'll also get an update regarding your current loyalty discount, which can be used against a new or redesigned website.
Live chat transcripts - You can now download the transcript of any live chat interactions. A 3-dot menu toggle will appear at the top of the chat box, where you can download a PDF of the conversation.
End of body tag scripts - Sometimes third parties, such as Google Analytics, will ask you to add a snippet of code to your website. Often, they want you to specifically add it before the body tag closes. Previously, you would have had to ask us to do that for you. We've now added a new setting within the general settings of the Website Editor where you can put your code snippets.
YouTube rewards - We've started uploading video guides to our YouTube channel. We've also added a new reward where you will receive an account credit if you subscribe to our channel. Go to the rewards section of the Hub to find out more.
Site access control redirects - Site access control allows you to restrict access to your site either by username or by IP address. When someone who isn't logged in navigates to a page on your site, they are redirected to the login page. Previously, when they successfully logged in, they would be taken to your home page. The new behaviour now is that the visitor will be returned to the original page they were trying to access.
Coming soon
Webfactory Saver - We'll shortly be launching our Webfactory Saver package. This package gives you discounts on our standard fees as well as additional perks. You can read more and register for early access on our Webfactory Saver information page.
Content plans - We'll shortly be launching content plans where, in return for a commitment period, you will receive a discount on our designer fees. It's great if you have frequent changes and either don't have the time to make the changes yourself or want one of our designers to make an update for you.
Knowledge base - We've been working on a knowledge base product. The knowledge base product is a website where you can store things such as support articles, guides, policy documents, and other types of resources. You can then make these available to your customers to search for or even lock files down so only your staff can access them.
PDF Invoices - We're working on replacing the current invoices your customers receive when they make purchases on your website with a PDF version. Currently, they are taken to a page on your website.
New product page layouts - We're going to be rolling out our new product page layouts in the coming months. Currently, product pages have a standardised layout; the new layouts will allow for more emphasis on different elements such as product images.
That's it for this month! Any feedback, comments, and suggestions are always welcome.