January update
3rd January 2024

posted 3rd January 2024
Welcome to your January update. If you have any feedback or suggestions please let us know.
New this month
- Welcome wizard added - We've added a Welcome wizard which will show the first time you log into the Hub. (If you're an existing customer, you'll be sent through it one time also). The Welcome wizard lets us confirm important information such as your contact details and sets some core settings.
- Permissions improvements - We've improved the permissions system. Previously there were only two levels of access: 'Admin' and 'Standard'. We've now added the ability to set fine-grain permissions for each of your users and user groups. Permissions can work as before with the two levels, this is called 'Basic mode' or with granular permissions with 'Advanced mode'. The Welcome wizard will ask you which mode you wish to use but you can also change later in the Hub settings. We've only added a few permissions for now, but we'll be expanding the options in due course. We'd welcome your suggestions on the kind of things you would like to be able to limit access to.
- Product access controls - As well as permissions, which control what your users can do within your products, you can now restrict access to the product entirely. When a user logs in, they will only see the products they have been granted access to. Only Admins and users with permission to manage users can set who can access which products. You can manage access in the users' settings or by going to the Product manager in the Team section.
- Ability to reset email passwords in the Hub and clearer forgotten password details - We've added an option to change the password for your email accounts within the Hub. Navigate to the domain and email product, then go to email accounts section and the option will be shown there. This is helpful if you or one of your team have forgotten their passwords. Only admins and users with user management permission can edit passwords here. We've also added clearer directions on how to reset passwords from the Webmail login page. You can change your own email password after a successful login to Webmail and via the settings section.
- Mobile optimisations - Various optimisations have been made to improve the usability of the Hub from a mobile device.
- Teams and groups sections - You can now group your users into user groups. User groups make it easier to manage the settings for multiple users. For example, instead of setting permissions for each user, you could set a group permission that all the members of that team will inherit.
- New product icons - We've redesigned all the product images. We wanted the look of the icons to be more consistent with our branding as some of the off-the-shelf icons we had used didn't quite look right.
- Welcome Pack improvements - We've squashed a few bugs in the Welcome Pack and also made some changes to the order of things and how they are explained. We think it will help make things flow a little better.
- Notifications - We've added some initial steps for notifications within the Hub. Notifications will provide you with timely notices when important things happen such as a new order. You can control which notifications you receive in your user settings.
Blog articles
- We had a little rest in December but we'll be posting some new articles this month.
In the works
- Notifications - We're going to be slowly rolling out our notifications in the coming weeks.
- Permissions - Additional permission granularity will be added.
- Hub header - We're working on a new header for the Hub based on your feedback.
- Seasonal Logos - We're going to add a method for you to switch your company logo with seasonal variants.