Website manager update
29th September 2020

posted 29th September 2020
We've made some changes to the website manager, mainly technical things which are out of sight but you will notice some of the changes impact the way the website manager looks
The main objective of this phase of changes is to prepare the way for a redesign in the coming months. Here is a list of the larger changes in this update.
- We've reorganised the Welcome Pack overview page
- We've added an additional showcase image page element (just like normal showcase but with no text). The showcase element allows you to have a section with an image as the background which scales as the content around it changes.
- We've changed the manager side menu to remove dropdown links and added new main sections e.g. Website Content, Setting, Webshop, Reports etc.
- We've added a breadcrumb navigation bar. A breadcrumb navigation runs along the top of each page and indicates the different levels under the page you are on so you can jump quickly to a different page.
- We've tidied up back buttons across the manager to make sure they are consistent
- The form editor now uses popup boxes to make additions and edit form elements.Previously we used sections which slide open and closed. This caused issues on some device types and would slow down load times.
- We've updated the way you add page sections to pages (websites with enhanced editor only). This makes it easier for us to add new page element types in future and will speed up the load time of the page editor.
- We've changed the way you add and edit product variations. The change visually is cleaner but the main objective here was to make it easier for us to add new variation types in future.
- We've upgraded our icons both in the website manager and for your websites. Previously there were 675 icons to choose from, now there are over 9,000.
- We have made some improvements to the way the system processes images. In some instances, the colour of images uploaded were not replicated as expected. This change should reduce or eliminate that issue.
If you have any questions about any of these changes please get in touch.